October 29th
I came into work to a briefing about how the Prince of Wales was coming to visit the Burberry headquarters at Horseferry House. Lacking royal knowledge I had no idea if that meant Charles, William, or Harry. Obviously I was crossing fingers and toes it was William but, alas, it was just his dad.
Burberry’s first floor is set up with a big VIP waiting room on one side next to the “branding room” set up with displays of the different sub-brands, with the reception and elevators to the right. The middle of the entire building is an open atrium with glass on all sides. When it was time for the Prince to arrive all the Burberry employees lined the balconies and glass stairs to look down at everything. I stood in the stairs with some girls I work next to and got to see him walk in and meet with Christopher Bailey (Creative Director) and Angela Ahrendts (CEO). I mostly saw the top of his head until he turned to go to the elevators and waved at us!!!
After he had gone into the 7th floor design room with all the higher-ups I asked one of my co-workers what I could compare my Prince sighting to in the States and she said it’s like seeing the President. AWESOME!
Here’s a link to an article about his visit:
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